
Tag Archives: credit score

Come In, Save Money: Your First Dare2Compare

You may have heard us talk about it before, and you might have seen our television commercial for the Dare2Compare account review. Dare2Compare is a way that FFCCU could save you money. And it’s as easy as it sounds: a one-on-one meeting with a financial representative who will look through your individual situation and seek… (read more)

6 Financial Tips for Life After Graduating College

When you’re graduating college, there are a lot of financial decisions to make. Many you are quickly aware of, while some you may take some time to learn. Nichole Coyle, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, is here to give you a shortcut to information that can help you be a step ahead! 1. Student Loans Most people… (read more)

Financial Literacy for Teens

“Financial Literacy for Teens” … maybe sounds intimidating? We get it – you have a lot going on. Classes and homework. Extracurriculars to be on time for. You don’t want to abandon your friends, but your family needs you too. You might have to fill up a car with a tank of gas, cover bus… (read more)