Category Archives: Membership: Info to Know

5 Benefits for When You Go Paperless

Why go paperless? If you’re still receiving your monthly account statement through the mail, you might wonder what all the fuss is about. After all, it’s probably a complicated process to switch over to e-statements – and you already have a way to receive your account info, right? …Right? Well, it might not be quite… (read more)

What Is Spoofing?

Scammers are an ever-present threat to our digitally connected lifestyle. They’re inventive and adaptable (not a compliment!) – forcing all of us to learn their latest tricks and traps to stay safe. With an increase in the number of scam contacts that have been going around, we want to prepare you for some of the… (read more)

Is a Credit Union Safe: Yes! And Here’s Why…

You may have heard dire news reports of bank failures over the last few months. Understandably this domino of bank collapses might be a cause for concern when you think about your own deposits and investments. Is there any chance your financial institution might be next? What even lead to these failures? If big-name banks… (read more)

Using A Mobile Wallet: a quick user guide

Have you ever used your phone to pay at your local pharmacy or grocery store? If not, you’re missing out on the convenience of your mobile wallet. A global study has predicted that around 60% of people worldwide will use digital wallets in 2023. And why not? A simple tap, and you’re good to go!… (read more)

Your Ultimate Guide to Applying for the 2023 Ignite My Future Scholarship

While you may not be thinking about how to pay for school yet, that fall tuition bill (for high school or college!) will be due before you know it. If you are a Club Ignite member, (or eligible to become one), you may be able to help fund your education with FFCCU’s Ignite My Future… (read more)

Our Holiday Hoopla Contest is Back!

Our Holiday Hoopla Contest is back by popular demand! The 2021 contest kicks off on Wednesday December 1! Want to win? Here’s what you need to do: Get an Advantage Checking account (if you don’t have one already!) Opening an account is easy, just head over here. Swipe your Advantage Checking debit card 12 times… (read more)

Get to know FFCCU’s digital banking tools

Digital technology is deeply transforming how we conduct our everyday banking activities. New tools give us the flexibility to make transactions whenever and wherever we want. They allow us to pay bills, transfer funds and make deposits with a few taps of our smartphone. And they give us added security, protecting our identity and finances… (read more)

Do you know the credit union difference?

Did you know there’s an International Credit Union Day? There is! Annually, the third Thursday of October celebrates how credit unions across the nation help members reach their financial dreams through a “member first” philosophy. But why celebrate this? Because credit unions ARE different. And members have a stake in what happens, as part owners…. (read more)