
Tag Archives: teen financial literacy

Summer Jobs for Teens: What to Know

Summers for high school students are no longer lazy days. Mandatory summer reading lists, the option to earn college credits through summer courses, driver’s ed requirements to start. Then add in making a little money, and it’s all competing for your limited time. With everything going on, finding a summer job can be more challenging… (read more)

College Savings: Money Tips for College Students and their Parents

High School Seniors: Whether you are waiting to hear back from early decision entries or are still sending out applications, in less than a year, you’ll be arriving on campus for the first time. There’s a lot to plan for: class selection, dorm life needs, social clubs – and, of course, all of the particulars… (read more)

Financial Literacy for Teens

“Financial Literacy for Teens” … maybe sounds intimidating? We get it – you have a lot going on. Classes and homework. Extracurriculars to be on time for. You don’t want to abandon your friends, but your family needs you too. You might have to fill up a car with a tank of gas, cover bus… (read more)