Category Archives: Tips For Managing Finances

4 Money Fears for Halloween

Your 2023 money fears are here! Crawl under the covers for this week’s blog post. We’re planting a flashlight beneath our chin and turning out the lights to share a few financial fears that are lurking at the end of 2023. But before you board the windows and bar the doors, rest assured that these… (read more)

Flavors of Fraud: Who Pays for an Internet Scam?

Here’s a major bummer: just about everyone with a computer has been the target of an internet scam at some point. Fraudsters are just a regular part of our day. You might get more calls from “Scam Likely” than you do from your loved ones! We’re used to seeing fraud everywhere. So, after a while,… (read more)

Fall Vacation Ideas – Travel on a Budget

At the first dip in the temperature, out come the plastic ghosts and pumpkin drinks! Like it or not, autumn vibes are upon us, and for those still scrambling for fall vacation ideas, that’s putting the pressure on! This week, we feature an article from our friends at the Ohio Credit Union League with some… (read more)

Shopping on Facebook & Beyond: Tips for Safe Social Media Shopping

Shopping on Facebook (and its sister platform Instagram) is on the rise. Whether it’s buying locally through the adventure that is using Facebook Marketplace or going from trend to transaction over Instagram’s “Shop on Instagram” feature, social shopping might soon be a prevalent part of our lives.   When it comes to advertising and sales,… (read more)

Student Loan Repayments Resume – What Borrowers Should Know

October is approaching – much to the delight of spooky season supporters. Young ones are gearing up for trick or treat. Film fans look forward to a month of movies featuring menacing monsters. But for college graduates with outstanding student loans, this October may feel a lot like a horror movie than in years past:… (read more)

Hidden Costs of a DIY Home Remodel

Gloves? Check. Safety goggles? Check. Hammer hanging off of your carpenter jeans? Check. You’re ready to fulfill your HGTV dreams and dive into a much-needed DIY home remodel project. You’re going DIY with this because A) it will save on the cost, and B) you’ll have fun doing it. You’ve carefully budgeted for your project,… (read more)

6 Financial Tips for Life After Graduating College

When you’re graduating college, there are a lot of financial decisions to make. Many you are quickly aware of, while some you may take some time to learn. Nichole Coyle, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, is here to give you a shortcut to information that can help you be a step ahead! 1. Student Loans Most people… (read more)

Financial Literacy for Teens

“Financial Literacy for Teens” … maybe sounds intimidating? We get it – you have a lot going on. Classes and homework. Extracurriculars to be on time for. You don’t want to abandon your friends, but your family needs you too. You might have to fill up a car with a tank of gas, cover bus… (read more)

Is a Credit Union Safe: Yes! And Here’s Why…

You may have heard dire news reports of bank failures over the last few months. Understandably this domino of bank collapses might be a cause for concern when you think about your own deposits and investments. Is there any chance your financial institution might be next? What even lead to these failures? If big-name banks… (read more)

How to Be Budget Friendly During Inflationary Times

If you’ve been to a store lately, you know the cost of everything has increased. This is due to inflation, which is the rate of increase in prices over a given period. Inflation occurs when the supply of money grows too large relative to the size of an economy. When this happens, the unit value… (read more)