Search Results for: account review
Digital Banking FAQ
Everything you need to know about digital banking We get it, getting started with a new banking experience, especially a digital one, can be overwhelming. We’ve rounded up all your frequent questions and provided answers, so you can get digital banking and get moving to whatever is next in your life! ACCESSING DIGITAL BANKING How… (read more)
Dare2Compare: Account Review
Take the Dare2Compare Challenge and See What You Could Save! Take our “Dare 2 Compare” challenge to see how much money FFCCU could potentially save you. Just take 5 minutes to fill out our Account Review Form, and we’ll get in touch with you to schedule a face-to-face meeting. You’ll meet with an FFCCU Teammate… (read more)
Come In, Save Money: Your First Dare2Compare
You may have heard us talk about it before, and you might have seen our television commercial for the Dare2Compare account review. Dare2Compare is a way that FFCCU could save you money. And it’s as easy as it sounds: a one-on-one meeting with a financial representative who will look through your individual situation and seek… (read more)
Posted In: Dare2Compare
You Should Dare2Compare, Then Open a Credit Union Account
A New year always starts with the very best of intentions. Even if you aren’t making a formal “New Year’s Resolution,” you’re no doubt thinking about what the next twelve months are going to bring personally and financially. It’s hard to take the first steps towards making a change (even for the better) so treating… (read more)
Posted In: Dare2Compare
Alternatives to Spending that Holiday Cash: Best Savings Account Ideas for 2022
If you have been gifted money this holiday season, consider how you can save it rather than spending it all as soon as you receive it. Check out these six ideas on where to put your money. 1. Start or Add to an Emergency Fund for a Rainy Day Sometimes, extraordinary situations occur out… (read more)
Posted In: Saving, Tips For Managing Finances
Year End Financial Planning
As we look to a new year, it’s a great time to engage in year-end financial planning. Whether you are starting from scratch or just need to review your existing goals, guest blogger Nichole Coyle, Certified Financial PlannerTM, walks you through what to consider as the year ends. Financial planning isn’t a one-time thing. Instead,… (read more)
Posted In: Guest Blog, Tips For Managing Finances
Savings Success Stories
Dare2Compare Success Stories at Firefighters Community Credit Union (FFCCU) We’re saving people money every day! Read these Dare2Compare success stories to learn how a FREE account review is leading to members’ financial success. Trisha saved Lori $60,000 in interest on her mortgage!* Trisha recently helped FFCCU member Lori refinance her first mortgage. Lori locked in a 15-year… (read more)
6 Financial Tips for Life After Graduating College
When you’re graduating college, there are a lot of financial decisions to make. Many you are quickly aware of, while some you may take some time to learn. Nichole Coyle, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, is here to give you a shortcut to information that can help you be a step ahead! 1. Student Loans Most people… (read more)
Posted In: Guest Blog, Ignite, Tips For Managing Finances
Coronavirus Outbreak: How to Keep Your Finances Healthy
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has wreaked havoc locally and globally. Aggressive social distancing rules have caused many to lose their jobs or experience a reduction in income. If you’re worried about your financial health, you have every right to be. However, you don’t have to allow COVID-19 to attack your finances. Remain calm, and don’t… (read more)
Posted In: Tips For Managing Finances
6 Money-Spending Habits That You Need to Ditch
Let’s get real; we all sometimes spend money unnecessarily. However, in certain cases, we overlook spending habits that may do more harm than good. Here are 6 common habits you may have gotten into and how to break them: 1. You Follow “Emotional Spending.” Have you succumbed to “emotional spending”? According to clinical psychologist Sheila Forman,… (read more)
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