Easy Money Tips for Teens: Advice from a Club Ignite Member

A member from Club Ignite, Jacob Obloj, recently stopped in at the Parma branch to talk about his journey with FFCCU! While only 13, Jacob has learned the importance of saving and budgeting and has some important insights for our teen Club Ignite members. Here are some key lessons Jacob talked with us about:  … (read more)

Thank you to Our Veterans

This Veterans Day, FFCCU honors the 19 million veterans that have defended the United States. Veterans Day began as an armistice day in the country to commemorate the end of World War I. After a succession of several wars (World War II and the Korean War), the 83rd congress changed Armistice Day to Veterans Day… (read more)

Six Ways to Prepare for the Holiday Season 

The holidays are just around the corner and searching for a great deal for that special someone can get expensive. Thoughtful and memorable gifts do not have to break the bank. Allegecy says that the holidays do not have to cost an arm and a leg to make the day special. Going above and beyond with… (read more)

6 Ways a Most Rewards Credit Card Gives You the Upper Hand

If you think credit cards are scary, you’re part of the 26% of Americans that share the same opinion, according to the latest NerdWallet survey. However, when you get the right credit card for your needs and know how to use it, it can quickly become a valuable financial tool. And if you use it… (read more)

5 Tips to Jump-Start Your Savings Goals

This post is from our partners at GreenPath Financial wellness. If you need help managing your finances, GreenPath’s certified experts can advise you on budgeting, debt repayment options, and more.  It’s human nature. We’re all wired to meet our immediate wants, whether indulging in a tempting bowl of ice cream, spending more time than planned scrolling… (read more)

How A Credit Union Helps You Master Your Financial Future

While you may have a vague idea of what credit unions are, you may be unaware that they could help you master your financial future. But your first question may be, “what is a credit union?” Credit unions are not-for-profit financial institutions. That means the members, or people that open an account, own the financial… (read more)

Five Reasons to Use a Credit Union for your Mortgage

If you know anyone who has recently tried to buy a house, you know what a challenge it can be. Due to the economy, interest rates are climbing, and it isn’t easy to find a reasonable interest rate in this market. While there are many options for acquiring a mortgage, people often overlook that their… (read more)

Is Your Beginner Financial Journey Making You Feel Flustered? Use These Tips to Gain Confidence

Finances impact every aspect of our lives, but it’s not always easy to know how to manage bills, emergencies, groceries, and fun money every month. If the words dividend, compounding, or APY feel like a foreign language; you’re not alone. A FINRA study found a 75% decrease in financial literacy among adults from 2009 to 2021. In… (read more)

Wondering how to Fortify Your Investment Portfolio? Read These Great Tips!

Understanding yourself (your needs, wants, and emotional impulses) is one of the most effective ways to start your investing journey. After all, it was Aristotle who said, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” Whether you are just beginning your investment journey or have been down that road for some time, it’s valuable to… (read more)

The Ultimate Mortgage Abbreviation Cheat Sheet

Here’s a little trade secret: financial institutions LOVE acronyms. No, not LOL and FOMO, but more like FICO and LTV. Not to worry. At FFCCU (that’s Firefighters Community Credit Union, BTW), we’ve compiled the ultimate list of mortgage abbreviations and mortgage acronyms that you might come across when applying for and filling out all the… (read more)