Mobile Wallets & Payment Apps: is Mobile Pay Really Safe?

Still reticent to dive into the world of mobile payments? It’s easy to understand why. You’ve undoubtedly come across intimidating terms like ‘ransomware,’ heard horror stories about identity theft, or even had to scrub your own device after infestation from a virus (the days of LimeWire aren’t that far behind us). The idea of trusting… (read more)

High Interest Homerun: How Interest Hikes Benefit Certificate Rates

Making a financial investment can be like lining up a grand slam: swing too early or too late, and you miss your best opportunity! Soaring interest rates have been throwing a curveball at many financial plans as new loans become a pricey proposition. But there is a way you can benefit from rising rates and… (read more)

Financial Literacy for Teens

“Financial Literacy for Teens” … maybe sounds intimidating? We get it – you have a lot going on. Classes and homework. Extracurriculars to be on time for. You don’t want to abandon your friends, but your family needs you too. You might have to fill up a car with a tank of gas, cover bus… (read more)

Is a Credit Union Safe: Yes! And Here’s Why…

You may have heard dire news reports of bank failures over the last few months. Understandably this domino of bank collapses might be a cause for concern when you think about your own deposits and investments. Is there any chance your financial institution might be next? What even lead to these failures? If big-name banks… (read more)

How to Be Budget Friendly During Inflationary Times

If you’ve been to a store lately, you know the cost of everything has increased. This is due to inflation, which is the rate of increase in prices over a given period. Inflation occurs when the supply of money grows too large relative to the size of an economy. When this happens, the unit value… (read more)

Announcing our 2023 Scholarship Winners!

We are excited to announce our 2023 Ignite My Future Scholarship winners! As an organization, FFCCU is committed to people helping people. In that spirit, the Ignite My Future Scholarship recognizes deserving Club Ignite members who have demonstrated a commitment to their communities through volunteer activity.  Scholarship winners receive $500 towards tuition for the fall… (read more)

Common Home Buying Myths

Thinking about buying a home, but feeling unsure about all the particulars? This is likely one of the largest purchases you’ll make in your lifetime. There is a lot of information floating around out there so it’s important to differentiate home buying facts from home buying myths. Today, guest blogger Nichole Coyle, Certified Financial PlannerTM… (read more)

Planning for Tomorrow: How Share Certificates Can Help Meet Long-Term Goals

What are you saving for? A rainy day or a wedding? A new car or a dream vacation when your kids graduate? Retirement? Whatever your goals, understanding the long-term savings options available to you can help you plan better for the future. When it comes to saving money – and using that money to earn… (read more)

Five Tips to Keep You on Track for Tax Season

Filing your taxes can be, well taxing, so it’s best to be as prepared as possible before the deadline. While it is true that most money-saving options to defer income or accelerate deductions are limited after Dec. 31, there are still many steps you can take to make your tax-filing experience less expensive and easier…. (read more)