Everything Needs a Good Spring Cleaning, Even Your Finances

Here at FFCCU, we have lots of different ways to help you “tidy up” your finances. Taking a few minutes now to access your plan (or create one) can save you hours of stress and worry later. After all, a periodic check-up of your personal finances is always a great idea.

How to Clean Up Your Personal Financial Plan

If you haven’t already done so, please take advantage of a FREE account review. A friendly teammate will sit down and review all your finances including accounts you have with us along with any external accounts. You’ll receive a full picture of your finances so you can see where you’re at financially. Plus, we’ll let you know of any opportunities we see where you could be earning or saving more.

Also, you can take advantage of Accel, a financial education and counseling program available for FREE to FFCCU members.

As a result, Accel will empower you to eliminate financial stress, get out of debt, increase savings, and achieve your financial goals. Through this partnership you can:

• Ease your financial stress and achieve financial goals
• Discuss your credit and get tips on how to improve your credit score
• Review your student loan repayment options and look at the pros and cons
• Discover debt repayment options that may work for you
• Address housing issues such as purchasing a home, avoiding foreclosure, or reverse mortgages
• Receive financial education through online resources and tools

So, put down the dust rags, brooms, and rakes, sharpen your pencils and get ready for a one of a kind analysis of your goals, spending plan, and financial future.

Don’t delay! Schedule a FREE account review and let FFCCU and our partners help you get started on the path to financial wellness this year.

For more details and additional FFCCU program offerings, click here.