Category Archives: Guest Blog

Fall Vacation Ideas – Travel on a Budget

At the first dip in the temperature, out come the plastic ghosts and pumpkin drinks! Like it or not, autumn vibes are upon us, and for those still scrambling for fall vacation ideas, that’s putting the pressure on! This week, we feature an article from our friends at the Ohio Credit Union League with some… (read more)

The Difference Between Credit and Debit and Cash

What is the real difference between credit and debit and cash? When should you use one over another? While they’re equally convenient these days (with the prevalence of mobile pay options), each has many advantages and disadvantages for your spending needs. This week’s blog post comes from the Ohio Credit Union League and explores the… (read more)

6 Financial Tips for Life After Graduating College

When you’re graduating college, there are a lot of financial decisions to make. Many you are quickly aware of, while some you may take some time to learn. Nichole Coyle, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, is here to give you a shortcut to information that can help you be a step ahead! 1. Student Loans Most people… (read more)

The Best Way to Prepare if Financial Disaster Hits

No one likes to think about catastrophes and emergencies. Still, preparing for financial disaster is important. If you don’t, it could cause irreparable harm to your current and future finances. Guest blogger Nichole Coyle, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM, shows you how to prepare if an unexpected financial disaster occurs. 1. Create an Emergency Fund If you… (read more)

Year End Financial Planning

As we look to a new year, it’s a great time to engage in year-end financial planning. Whether you are starting from scratch or just need to review your existing goals, guest blogger Nichole Coyle, Certified Financial PlannerTM, walks you through what to consider as the year ends. Financial planning isn’t a one-time thing. Instead,… (read more)

Planning for Healthcare in Retirement

Healthcare in retirement; it’s not something that first comes to mind when thinking about our post-working days. But it’s an important piece of your retirement budget. Today, guest blogger Nichole Coyle, CFP, tells us what to plan for when considering healthcare in retirement. In general, people are living longer and health care inflation continues to… (read more)

How to Stay Financially Confident in Retirement

In todays’ age, retirees are living longer and experiencing retirement in new ways. In general, people no longer work for the same employer for 50 years, retire on a predictable pension, and settle into a quiet lifestyle. Instead, today’s retirees are more active—with baby boomers controlling 70% of the country’s disposable income. They’re traveling the world,… (read more)

Should you Pay Down Debt Or Save For Retirement? What to Know

There are many aspects of financial planning to consider when deciding whether to pay down debt or save for retirement. We all know that both are important, but how do you know which one you should be focusing on? Guest blogger Nichole Coyle, Certified Financial Planner™, discusses what factors you consider. Emergency Funds Come First… (read more)