Live a Financially Healthy Life with Accel

Accel is a program provided by GreenPath, Inc., a non-profit financial wellness organization that was founded in 1961. As a member of FFCCU, you have access to Accel’s certified experts who will help you live a financially healthy life. One of those experts is Bill Fowlkes, part of the GreenPath Partner Relations team that works with FFCCU members. Bill has been with Accel since 2008 when he started as a Financial Wellness Expert.

When you reach out to Bill or any of the experts at Accel, you are going to receive a complete, unbiased review of your financial situation. Any and all questions or concerns that you have will be addressed. Even if you have simple questions, the team at Accel is willing to answer those and allow you to choose how deep you’d like them to dig.

“I love the fact that FFCCU is very committed to the financial wellness of their members. The credit union utilizes the financial tools and resources that Accel provides, and offers them to members. FFCCU’s mission is aligned with our mission to empower people to lead financially healthy lives,” Bill said of working with FFCCU.

Bill and the team at Accel specialize in understanding people’s budgets and how they live. Bill recalls helping one man avoid filing bankruptcy by digging into his spending habits and cutting out the things that were costing him big.

“He felt that his mortgage payment was too high and that it was only a matter of time before he got behind. During our conversation, we discovered that his mortgage was actually very affordable.”

Bill then dug deeper into his monthly expenses to see where he could make some changes.

“His real issue was his spending habits. In addition to buying his lunch every day, he also had a cable and cell phone package that was too large for his needs. To top it off he was paying for an unbelievably large monthly gym membership that he was barely using. This member had never taken a close look at his budget and didn’t realize the impact that his spending habits were having on his bottom line.”

After that, the member agreed that he could cut back on his work lunches, the cable and cell phone package, and he cut out the gym membership. “This allowed him to save about $500 per month and he was able to stay in his home. Normally more is needed than simply making changes to the budget, but in this case, that was all that was needed. If we had not dug deep into his entire situation, we would have missed an opportunity to help him save his home.”

Bill and Accel can help you too. They’ll give personalized answers and advice to your individual needs. Plus, as a member of FFCCU, it’s free!

Ask a friendly FFCCU teammate for more information or contact Accel directly at 877.337.2235 during these hours:

  • Monday – Thursday 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
  • Friday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
  • Saturday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Learn more about Accel and the financial assistance available to you on our website here.